How Many Gallons Of Tea For 100 Guests

How Many Gallons Of Tea For 100 Guests

Are you planning a party for 100 guests and wondering how much tea to make? You're in luck because we have the perfect recipe for you. This recipe will yield approximately 8 gallons of tea, perfect for a large gathering.


  • 2 gallons of boiling water
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of instant tea powder
  • 2 quarts of cold water
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice


Begin by combining the boiling water, sugar, and instant tea powder in a large stockpot or kettle. Stir the mixture until the sugar and tea powder are completely dissolved.

Remove the pot from the heat and add the cold water and lemon juice. Stir the mixture until everything is well blended.

Pour the tea into a large container with a lid. Cover the container and refrigerate the tea for at least 4 hours. This will allow the tea to steep and develop its flavor.

Once the tea has steeped, it is ready to serve. Simply pour the tea into pitchers and serve over ice. Enjoy!

This recipe yields approximately 8 gallons of tea, making it perfect for a large gathering of 100 guests. With this recipe, you can be sure that everyone at your party will be able to enjoy a refreshing glass of tea.

How Many Gallons Of Tea For 100 Guests

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