九 阳 豆浆 机 食谱

九 阳 豆浆 机 食谱

Welcome! Today I will be sharing with you a delicious recipe for making Soy Milk with a 九阳豆浆机. With just a few simple ingredients and a few simple steps, you can make this classic Chinese beverage in the comfort of your own home. Let's get started! ##Ingredients h2 - 1 cup of dried soybeans - 4 cups of water ##Instructions h2 1. Soak the soybeans in 4 cups of water for 8 hours or overnight in the refrigerator. 2. Drain the soybeans and rinse them with cold water. 3. Place the soybeans in the 九阳豆浆机 and add 4 cups of fresh water. 4. Select the "Soy Milk" setting on the machine and press start. 5. Once the cycle is complete, pour the soy milk into a pitcher or jar. 6. Serve chilled or warm. Enjoy!

九 阳 豆浆 机 食谱

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